Report on Accesses to Dooyeweerd Pages 19-26 September 2015

I undertook an analysis of the accesses during one week of use of The Dooyeweerd Pages. I wanted not just to find hit-counts, but to investigate the way people used the site: their behaviour and the level of interest and knowledge of Dooyeweerd. I used the Apache access records for the analysis.

Boring Statistics:

For the week:

The Interesting Analysis

I then looked for multiple hits from (non-bot) users, trying to find those that had evidence of human volition. To do this, I sorted in client URL order and found groups with same URL. Some of these were downloaders, so I removed them. I analysed the remaining access-sequences to determine level of interest in the content. This was indicated by time taken on pages, and whether the pages selected seemed to show some coherent interest (for example, help, summary and contact together). I give numbers, then describe the sequences that showed interest. Remember, this is for one week. See below for how I would analyse these.

Number of access-sequences that seem to indicate human volition: 77

Number of access-sequences that seem to show some level of interest in the content: 23

Interest is judged by a number of factors, below.

Summary of Findings from Detailed Analysis

By Level of Interest: Number in week showing interest:

By Degree of Knowledge: Number in week per level of knowledge:

Of the 17 who showed medium or high level of interest:

What this suggest is that, during that week:

(Of course, with such small sample, and with uncertainties in interpretating the data, one cannot be certain!)

Detailed Analysis

List of accesses that showed some interest:

Summary of sequences in one week in September 2015
Sequences That seem to Indicate Interest
Entry Sequence Date, Number,
Total time
Why of interest
Named page (ethical.html) via Google From that to love.html twice. 3, 6 secs, 150919 That then named the page suggests interest, but speed lessens it, unless they then read the final page for a time.
Query about animals and Dooyeweerd Twice to page, then after 1m, skipped quickly to two other pages 4, 90 seconds 'Henry' r.t. 'Herman' suggests this person is no Dooyeweerdian expert, but is somewhat interested. However, the lack of time spent might indicate less interest.
Queries about the meaning of the economic aspect Repeated the query 3 mins apart. 141. 150920. 2, 3 minutes Twice ran this query 3 minutes apart, suggesting 'going back' to it.
Google South Africa Twice from Google to two different pages. 150920. 2, 40 mins Spent 40 mins on tc.html. Probably had bookmarked the pages.
Main page, power. Direct from main page to three pages about power relations and its thinkers, then to immanence philosophy, then chain to fifth page. 5, 5 mins, 150923, x.x.x.092 Three pages cohere around power; Spends 4 mins reading about immanence philosophy, then to ctc.
Google general To main page and to summary direct, then branching out to various others from these. 7, 15 mins, 150922. x.x.x.094 Spent 12 mins on bibliography; most of the pages sought were applications of Dooyeweerdian philosophy, but not all in same directory.
Main page, then Google twice To three different pages 3, 2.5 mins. 150925, x.x.x.095
Main page To two examples of Dooyeweerd's thought, maspl.html and controlroom. Same pattern several times over several days. 2, 30 seconds, 6 secs, 0 secs twice, 150919, 150922 twice, 150926 Seeking examples might indicate interest, but maybe too fast.
Google, transcendental critique Two direct, tc, and glossary 2, 15 secs, 150926 tc page on transcendental critique, and one might indeed want to access the glossary for words used therein. But rather fast.
Google 'extreme philosophy' To 'extreme philosophy' (15s) then to its source and summary of Dooyeweerd 3, 2min, 150922 Looks like they were interested to find out more.
Yahoo request for named page, social aspect Twice, a day apart 2, 1day, 150923-24 Came back next day
Google ph. Small 2-page chain. 2, 20 min, 150925 20 mins reading on first page
Google twice Two direct 2, 2 mins, 150921 Maybe a slight interest in 2 mins reading.
Main page 3 from main page, to videos, then to me. 2 min, 5 min on aspanal, 1min 4, 8 min, 150625 Reading time, plus looking to see who author is.
Named page via google South Africa, 'gm.html' Chain to specific ground-motive. 2, 3 mins, 150925 Knew what they wanted.
Google UK, social 2-page chain to explanation page 2, 15 secs, 150925
Google, to Greg Baus' on art Came to page three times, after 7, 5 hours 3, 12 h, 150924-25 Returned twice after hours.
Google id to main page (bookmarked?) Then from main page to another after 6 hours. 2, 6 hours, 150922 THat it might be bookmarked, and the 6-hour gap
Google NZ, to old aspects page (bookmarked?) Then to application page, after 1 min 2, 1 min, 150925 Going direct (bookmarked?) to old aspects page is interesting, suggesting it is bookmarked by someone who knows Dooyeweerd well.
Named page via google, thinking.html (not main page) 1 min on page 1, then to related page 2, 1 min, 150922 They knew where they wanted to go.
Named page (main page) Then to summary. 2, 1 min, 150921 Use of summary suggest interest but little knowledge.
***, to old aspects page (see above) Thence to five individual aspect pages, mostly 3 mins per page, but 48 mins on pistic. 6, 1 hour, 150921 Time taken, and that several aspects sought.
Four named pages direct via google. To 3 named pages one day. Then to one, then a chain 2 days later, ending up at contact details. 6, 2 ays, 150920-22 Named pages direct suggests knowledge; Coming back 2 days later, seeking contact, and time spent, all suggest interest.
Named page direct (bunge) Then to a related page after an hour and a half. 2, 1.5 hours, 150920 Use of named page, time taken.
Sequences That seem to Indicate Lack of Interest (Selected examples)
Source Sequence Date, Number,
Total time
Why Not interested
-- Main page From main page to six sub directory index pages, but no files read 6, 30 seconds, 150922, x.x.x.093 (cf. above) Probably not interested, because it seems they clicked around in rapid succession among the directories.
Blogger, direct to aspects. From aspects very rapidly to 57 other pages, then an hour's pause (note: there are only 49 accesses off aspects page, so some must be duplicated. Then very rapidly from other pages to yet others; the referrers of these seem to be those links mentioned on aspects page; too rapidly for human action, because the referrer is different each time. THen 40 minutes pause. Then 10 more; the referrers of these seem to be pages found from the 20 accesses. On aspects page for 2 mins. Next 56 accesses in 14 seconds! Then on aspects page for 7 secs. Next 20 accesses in 9 secs. Last 10 in 4 secs. What is going on? The User-agent is IE. Has IE a macro to download pages in quick succession, then link from a selection of those pages? Why does 57 narrow down to 20 instead of mushrooming up?

What Indicates that People are Interested

There are perhaps several ways in which people access these pages:

Interest can be indicated by: