This page collects together opportunities for using Dooyeweerd's ideas in philosophical research and development of ideas, which have emerged from discussions in the forthcoming book Foundations of Information Systems Research and Practice by Andrew Basden. For each suggestion, a brief description is given, followed by type of activity in column 2:

Column 3 lists relevant portions of Dooyeweerd's thought, and its key is common to all tables, given below. Column 4 indicates sections in the book where the ideas are discussed.

Table §wn-t-phil. Possible Research Directions or Philosophical Underpinnings
Research Type Portions
of Dooy
Dooyeweerd-oriented research): Table §frp-t-DyResch suggests where Dooyeweerd's ideas might be useful in research. Needs development by review or deliberate trial. Dirn All §§frp-4.1
Broaden reach of IS field beyond organizational contexts, to home computing, personal ICT use. Learn from silos of application. Aspects are applicable and normative to all ICT use (oceanic). Each kind finds an aspect primarily meaningful (organizational use is social). Dirn Ocean
Relationships between areas of IS field: Relationships between the five areas in Part II occur at various levels, but have not been adequately discussed. Use aspects to analyse them and disclose hidden ones. PhF Five areas Fig. §wh-f-5areas
Research approaches in IS: Research approaches may be situated according to Dooyeweerd's notion of philosophical Ground-Idea, as in Table §frp-t-pic. Bring in other approaches, including Critical Realism. Svy G-I §§frp-2.2
ICT as centred on lingual aspect): Develop implications of ICT being qualified by lingual aspect, not formative (technology). Gives dignity and responsibility of the IS field. Dirn Lng Asp §§noc-2.5
Computer system levels, e.g. Newell: Ground in Dooyeweerd's aspects. PhF Asp-V §§noc-4.2
Four roles for computer: Computer-as-tool, computer-as-agent, computer-in-the-world, and computer-as-world views may be grounded and integrated in Dooyeweerd's understanding of existence. PhF LSO
What Is ICT Use? Undertake a philosophical transcendental critique of the universal and necessary conditions that make ICT use possible. Will require TC of ICT too. PhF T-C §§isu-3.2
Philosophy of information is still in development: (Floridi's 'open problems' are too cognitivist). Seeing information as lingually-qualified law-subject-object activity can assist this. PhF Asp-M §§noc-3.5-7
Critical Realism: Like Dooyeweerd, CR maintains there is a reality behind phenomena. But it theorizes everdyay experience. Phil EDX
Testing, enriching Dooyeweerd's philosophy. Many suggestions have been made: Testing (§§noc-8) Meaning (§§dw-1.2.3, §§isu-4.15, §§isu-4.16, §§soc-6.1) CFR (§§dw-2.4) aspectual targets (§§dw-7.4.6) qualifying aspect (§§dw-9.4, §§ft-3.3) enkapsis (§§dw-9.6.2 , §§isu-3.2, §§isd-3.3, §§soc-5.4) Gegenstand (§§dw-4.3.4) subject-object §§dw-3.1.2, §§noc-4.4) Dooy Various

Key to Column 3:


Written: 4 January 2017 Last updated: